
BLOG for WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ASSOCIATION (W.W.J.D.) which is a registered nonprofit charitable organization. W.W.J.D.'S PURPOSE STATEMENT: "Individuals and/or churches and/or other organizations cooperating together to do what Jesus would do." THIS BLOG WAS CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPREADING AROUND THE WORLD THE IDEA OF: "DOING WHAT JESUS WOULD DO." The name "Dandy" is the combination of the Director's names: "DAN AND SANDY, PUT US TOGETHER AND WE ARE 'DANDY'!"

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Sunday, January 15, 2006


PROGRAM DATE: January 15, 2006
PROGRAM TIME: 12:00 noon -1:00 p.m.
THEME: A Perfect Heart

I am Sandy Lynn Patton
coming to you live this afternoon on KTLR.
The theme for our program today is:


In the Words of the Holy Scriptures several places we read:

Be ye holy
As I am holy

Also, Jesus –Yeshua is the name His mother called Him –
actually said these words:

Be perfect, therefore,
even as your heavenly Father
is perfect.

Matthew 5:48 NIV

I want to sing a song for you called: A Perfect Heart.
I will sing it for you first in Spanish, and then in English.


Brille el sol
De la manyana
Y los campos
Verde estan
Y los sellos
Res grande centrada
Mundo entero ha acha ay
para sus obras
Y grandeso Creador
Y mi alma
a en centrado
Un perfecto corazon

Gloria Dios
En su Divina majestad
Gloria Dios
Quien rein
En justo
Y con poder

Gloria Dios
Quien reinara
Con todo amor
Un perfecto corazan
Un perfecto corazon

(Now in English)

Morning Sun
Light of Creation
Grassy fields of velvet flow.
Sliver clouds,
A shimmering curtain,
You have made a perfect world.

I stand amazed
at Your talents.
Stand in awe
of One so great!

Now my soul
Begins to sing out!
To the source
From which it came!

Bless the LORD!
Who reigns in beauty!
Bless the LORD!
Who reigns in wisdom
And in power!

Bless the LORD!
Who reigns my life
With so much love.
He can make,
A perfect heart.

Bless the LORD!
Who reigns in beauty!
Bless the LORD!
Who reigns in wisdom
And in power!

Bless the LORD!
Who reigns my life
With so much love.
He can make,
A perfect heart.

He can make:
A perfect,

So today, as we consider
the theme:


I would like for us to consider the verses:

Be ye holy
As I Am holy.

Be perfect, therefore,
even as your heavenly Father
is perfect.

What do you think?
Is it really possible to have

A Perfect Heart?

Well, that is just what we are considering today on our radio program.
And later on in the program today, we'll give you a chance to call in.

Is it possible to have a Perfect Heart?


(both Jewish and non-Jewish) in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah, the Christ, Who came to take away the sins of the world.

The place to start, if you want to have

A Perfect Heart

is to get your heart right with God. He is the only One Who provides forgivenss! Everyone has done wrong and needs to be born a-new of the Spirit, and to do so you must:


–that you need God to make right the wrongs


–that He provided a way to pay for wrong


–your wrongs to God: ask Him to make you whole.


(both Jewish and non-Jewish) in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah, the Christ, Who came to take away the sins of the world.

WE need to look at the problem of doing wrong after we have asked the LORD to forgive us of all our wrongs:

A. What If We Are FAITH-LESS?

(some teach)
Once you do wrong you just lost your salvation:

What about that? Is it impossible to keep your salvation
if you do wrong again after having received the LORD'S forgiveness?

If that is truth, then every time you: say, think, or do something wrong, you would be Hell bound!

How can this be true is we are God's children?
If we indeed are His children --born again of the Spirit,
Then disobedience cannot make us unborn!
No more than disobedience can make one physically unborn.

If you are born –you are born!

My Dad, Ray Sherman, used to ask the guys in the jail if they were saved. Often times their answer back would be:

I used to be.


Dad would respond,

What'd He do? Throw you out!

To which the response always was,

No, He didn't. I am the one that left Him.

Which is true:
You see, with God, we have something wonderful! –a totally different kind of love.
It is Agape love, which is a:
Giving, and an
Unconditional love.

Though we abide faithless
God remains faithful!

B. God's Faithfulness is Prefect!

In other words,
No matter what, if we turn and trust Him, He will be there for us!
For He says:

I will never leave you
Nor forsake you.

We do not loose our spiritual new birth when we do wrong again –not because of us, but because God is


I am the LORD.
I change not,

-Malachi 3:6a NASB

Jesus Christ [Yeshua Messiah],
the same yesterday,
and forever.

God's love is Perfect!
Because His great love
This giving love of grace
God is The Lover above all lovers!

Never wanes or fades!
Never falls short!
Never grows old and wears out!
Never fails!

His mercies are new every morning,
for great is His Faithfulness:

Lamentations 3:22-23 says:

The LORD'S loving-kindnesses indeed never cease.
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning:
Great is Thy faithfulness.


Great is Thy faithfulness
O God, My Father.
There is no shadow of turning with Thee.
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not.
As Thou wanst was
Thou forever wilt be!

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning
New mercies I see!
All I ever needed
Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Unto me.

Summer and winter, and spring time and harvest;
Sun, moon, and stars in there courses up above;
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness,
Mercy and love.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning
New mercies I see!
All I ever needed
Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Unto me.

Pardon for sin
And a peace that endureth.
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide.
Strength for today, and bright hope, for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine!
And ten thousands besides!

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning
New mercies I see!
All I ever needed
Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Unto me.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning
New mercies I see!
All I ever needed
Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!

Thy faithfulness!


2. God's Sacrifice is Perfect

Knowing that you were not redeemed
With perishable things,
but with precious blood
as of a lamb
unblemished and spotless,
the blood of Christ [Messiah]

-I Peter 1:18-19 NASB




blood appears in the place of "name"

Precious blood!
O How sweet
Hope of earth
And joy of Heaven

Precious blood!
O How sweet
Hope of earth
And joy of Heaven

He Who knew no sin
became sin
so that we might become
the righteousness of God.

3. God's hate of wrong is Perfect

Yes, God hates sin.
He will forgive you of all your sins, but
That doesn't change the fact that by His very nature
He hates sin.

Do you want to know how much He hates sin?

Go watch

The Passion

and you will get some idea of just how much does God hates sin!

The Bible says:

There is NO forgiveness without
The shedding of blood.

-Hebrews NASB


What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O Precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow!
No other fountÃ?’ I know!
Nothing but the blood of

There is A Fountain
Filled with blood
Drawn from EmmanuelÃ?’s veins
And sinners plunged
Beneath that flood
Loose all
Their guilty stains

Loose all
Their guilty
Loose all
Their guilty stains!

And sinners plunged
Beneath that flood
Loose all
Their guilty stains!

The dying thief rejoiced to see
that Fountain in his day.
And there may I though vile as he,
wash all my sins away!

Wash all my sins away!
Wash all my sins away!
And there may I though vile as he,
wash all my sins away!

Er since by faith,
I saw that stream,
Thy flowing wounds supply
Redemption has been my theme,
And shall be 'til I die!

And shall be 'til I die!
And shall be 'til I die!
Redemption has been my theme,
And shall be 'til I die!

There is A Fountain
Filled with blood
Drawn from EmmanuelÃ?’s veins
And sinners plunged
Beneath that flood
Loose all
Their guilty stains

God does not Change:
God's Love is Perfect!
God's Sacrifice is Perfect!
God's Hate of Wrong is Perfect!

II. So the question is:
What is our response to God when He is telling us to be Perfect?

Be ye holy
As I Am holy!

Be perfect, therefore,
as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Do we live our lives as we please?

Hoping we make it to Heaven when we die -because.
Because of what? Because we did our religious duty?

Do we strive to do the best we can?

Expecting that God –Who is loving and kind—
will somehow overlook and bless the rest of our mess?

Do we claim we have no need?

That we are perfect and not in error, and therefore
have no need of forgiveness, grace or mercy?

Do we claim we have no hope?

That we are worthless
And therefore hopelessly
Beyond redemptions power?


But God still says:

Be ye holy
As I Am holy

You may very well say:

No man can be holy!
Not holy like God is holy!

"Why are you asking Me about what is good?
There is only ONE Who is good;
But if you want to enter into life,
Keep the commandments."

He said to Him, "Which ones?"

"You shall not commit murder.
You shall not commit adultery;
You shall not steal;
You shall not bear false witness;
Honor your father and mother; and
You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

The young man said to Him:
"All these I have kept;
what am I still lacking?"

Jesus said to him,
"If you wish to be complete,
go and sell your possessions
and give to the poor,
and you shall have treasure in heaven;
and come follow Me."

But when the young man heard this statement,
He was grieved;
For he was one who owned much property.
And when the disciples heard this,
They were very astonished and said,
"Who then who can be saved?"

And looking upon them Jesus said:
"With men this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible!"

-Matthew 20:17b-22, 25-26 NASB

God says:

"Return to Me
And I will
Return to you."

-Malachi 3:7b NASB

I John chapter 1 verse 9 says:

If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness.


of course, means to tell the whole truth about the matter.


even if we are faithless --the Word says-- He remains faithful!


are those things we have done wrong and also those wrong things that have been done to us!

Cleanse us,

notice that He is the One Who cleans us up, and notice that it is after we come to Him.


means all un-


-ness --fixing what is broken in us and making our wrongs



Be ye glad
Be ye glad!
Every debt that you ever had!
Has been paid up in full
By the grace of the LORD
Be ye glad
Be ye glad!

Be ye glad
Be ye glad!
Every debt that you ever had!
Has been paid up in full
By the grace of the LORD
Be ye glad
Be ye glad!

AUTHOR: Sandy Lynn Patton
DATE: JANUARY 15, 2006
RIGHTS RESTRICTION: May be reprinted and distributed for non-profit use only with credit given and used as a whole

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

W.W.J.D Radio Program

Okfuskee County native called to “wash the feet” of "the church" through radio. Sandra Lynn Shannon Patton recently began hosting the W.W.J.D. radio program on Community Talk Radio KTLR 890AM out of Oklahoma City. W.W.J.D. is aired on KTLR hour weekly: Sundays 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

When discussing how she felt about hosting a weekly radio program Sandy Lynn said, “I feel like I am home.” “Everything in my life points in this direction, and I believe all my background including my education, my former positions —both secular and in the church, as well as my life’s experiences have all prepared me for this.”

She was born Sandra Lynn Shannon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was raised briefly in Collinsville, Oklahoma and then moved to the Mason Community in Okfuskee County in 1960. She is a 1973 graduate of Okemah High School in Okemah, Oklahoma. She is a three-time graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma holding degrees in: Biology, Psychology, and Nursing —with an emphasis in Missionary Nursing. Sandra Lynn also has masters degree work in Educational Counseling Psychology from the following Oklahoma universities: Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford.

Sandy Lynn is a member of: Prison Fellowship —an international prison/jail ministry, Baptist Nursing Fellowship —charter member and two time state officer of this international fellowship of Missionary Nurses, Handicappers Outreach For Christ —a national nursing home ministry, and Kehilot Rosh Pinah —a Messianic Jewish congregation in Oklahoma City.

Sandy Lynn and her husband Dan Patton have two children: Sarah Aspen and Mary RuthAnna Patton. She is the daughter of the late Gaylon Lemuel Shannon and the late Anna Laurene (Rene Casey) Shannon and the adopted daughter of the late Raymond (Ray) Charles Sherman –originally from Payne County, Oklahoma. Sandy Lynn is the granddaughter of: the late Elbie Leonal (Lee) Shannon of Mason, Oklahoma; the late Homer Boren (her step-grandfather) and the late Ida (Clinkenbeard) Shannon Boren of Mason, Oklahoma; the late William Levi (W.L. or Bill) Casey and the late Stella Delpha Hayhurst Casey of the Rock Community near Welty, Oklahoma.

When asked how it happened that she came to be on the radio, Sandy Lynn says, “Well, anybody that knows me knows I have always been a singer. Mama said I sang before I could talk: ‘You use the pick up the phone and sing to the telephone operator!’” “So, it should be no surprise that I am singing on the radio again after all these years.” “It is funny to me now to think that I actually sang the first song I wrote at a 4-H Share the Fun program in Weleetka, Oklahoma. Can you believe the guitar only had 4 strings on it! I didn’t know anything about how to play it or tune it I just adjusted it to where those four strings blended in a nice harmony sound and plucked it —I didn’t even know how to press on the strings with my fingers! And that is why I like to teach guitar lessons now.”

Sandy Lynn sang her first solo: the first verse of Silent Night in the Christmas program at Mason in the first grade. She has since sang all over Okfuskee County in churches, 4-H programs, parades, political gatherings, school programs, community programs, family reunions, etc. Sandy Lynn has not only shared her God-given singing talent all over the state of Oklahoma, but has often been requested to sing solos in other states such as: Spring Texas (north of Houston) —December 31, 1979; Cass Community near Ozark Arkansas —Spring of 1984; and in N.W. Indiana, where she spoke and sang in 8 revivals —April 1995 immediately after volunteering April 11th at the OKC bombing.

Sandy Lynn has also been the member of several select singing groups: She was backup rhythm guitarist and soloist for the Travelin’ Okies —a blue-grass gospel band in her teens, during which time they preformed weekly live over the Okmulgee radio station. She sang second soprano for Trinity —a college and career evangelistic singing group of First Southern Baptist Church of Del City in the late 70’s during which time they sang regularly at First Southern being broadcast on radio and television. Trinity also sang at the opening of Heritage Park Mall (in Midwest City) and the Oklahoma Baptist State Evangelism Conference in January 1979.

As for other activities Sandy Lynn says: “Besides writing the script and songs weekly for the program, I am writing the book series: A Child of Faith. I am currently working on the first book in the autobiographical series, which covers my life from birth to age 20, which is also called a: A Child of Faith. I also write regular articles which I E-mail out on request, and I take care of a couple of blogs: WWJDdandy@blogspot.com and IbrahimAbrahamAvarham@blogspot.com.

Sandy Lynn produces a monthly Read-The-Bible-Thru The Jewish Way calendar that is set up according to the Biblical Calendar. W.W.J.D. also distributes 10 Commandment Posters in 31 languages —including Braille.

Sandy Lynn actively counsels and prays for others, “but especially,” she says, “I pray for my family, my close friends, and relatives!” “I’ve seen many persons surrender their lives and their painful past experiences to God. I want to see more of that, especially within my own family!” Dan and Sandy were married April 4, 1980. They legally divorced October 25, 1994. They legally remarried September 24, 2004. Dan, Sandy and their two children are currently all separated from each other. It was her current life events; coupled with a dream God gave her, that spurred her to go on the radio to help others who are hurting.

The W.W.J.D. program is a mixture of song, discussion, interviews, and prayer. In regards to the program content Sandy Lynn says: “I comfort others with the comfort that I have been comforted with –and the good Lord has given me a lot of comfort!”

“January 8th was W.W.J.D.’s 3rd program.” Sandra Lynn reported. The radio program announces weekly that questions, comments, and encouragements can be mailed to: 366 McLoud, Oklahoma 74851, or you may E-mail: WWJDdandy@Yahoo.com. The programs are recorded and there are tapes and CD’s of the programs available.

AUTHOR: Sandy Lynn Patton
DATE: January, 2006/Tevet 5766
RIGHTS RESERVED: May be reprinted and distributed for non-profit use only with credit given