
BLOG for WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ASSOCIATION (W.W.J.D.) which is a registered nonprofit charitable organization. W.W.J.D.'S PURPOSE STATEMENT: "Individuals and/or churches and/or other organizations cooperating together to do what Jesus would do." THIS BLOG WAS CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPREADING AROUND THE WORLD THE IDEA OF: "DOING WHAT JESUS WOULD DO." The name "Dandy" is the combination of the Director's names: "DAN AND SANDY, PUT US TOGETHER AND WE ARE 'DANDY'!"

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

How W.W.J.D. or What Would Jesus Do Association began

The name W.W.J.D. of our nonprofit organization came from my Dad (my adopted Dad, Raymond Charles "Ray" Sherman) and myself reading together the book In His Steps by Charles Shelton. In each Christian's life, in Sheldon's book, when they asked themselves: "What Would Jesus Do?" and changed their life's actions accordingly; in doing so they were stating with their lives --which speak much louder than words, that Jesus was NOT ONLY their Saviour, but also their LORD! I said, as we finished the book: "Dad, let's do it! Let's start a What Would Jesus Do Movement right here!" He said: "Sandy, the rich will never give up their wealth to help the poor like they did in that book, that's a fairly tale." "If the Spirit of the Living Lord wants them too they will!" I answered back. So, we decided with that to spend and do all that we had to reach the down and out in Okfuskee County and prayed that others would join in.

The response of the down and out was very encouraging: in the later 1990's we did a great work, with at least 100 new converts yearly from jail, nursing home, mentally retarded home, psychiatric clients, hospital and street ministry. However, to our great dismay our new converts often were not welcomed in many of the local churches! In fact, the general attitude of the church seemed to be that if you were down and out, your own actions probably put you there, so why should we care! (In 1995 in Okemah, the ministerial alliance only helped assist those passing through to go ahead on and leave; and they would help those who lived in the county if they had a fire or a tornado.) During those years my Dad and I were seen as angels by one third of the county, demon-possessed by one third of the county and the other third was staying out any judgments --waiting, if you will to see how it came out.

When my Dad died, and my Mama died, I found out what pressures in society can do! I was threatened and harassed so badly that at one point I had to flee my home, which was also the church! I was called in the County Court House and I was yelled out and threatened by a judge: "You're not the only one God talks too! I'm going to throw you in jail if you don't stop!" I told him that I didn't know how he thought that he could put me in jail, but that if he did, since I went to the jail every week: "I'll just minister from the inside. " Then I told him: "If you put a gun to my head with your hand on the trigger and said to me: 'STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!' I'd say 'GO AHEAD AND SHOOT!' I will NOT STOP what I am doing!" I was NOT going to be run out or stopped, but shortly afterwards a family emergency moved me to Oklahoma City.

It took a while for things to change, and some things still need changing, but things in Okfuskee County, are much much better. For example: Dad had started a fund at FBC of Okemah called "FRIENDS" which is to help anyone who asks for assistance by giving them $20. Ray Sherman died in 2000, yet the fund goes on. During his life he led THOUSANDS to the Lord, by the example of giving of himself to help meet their needs --that was the door that opened up their spiritual ears. The FRIENDS idea and fund still exists today, and the ministerial alliance now helps those in need in the county. Ten years later, the judge is dead, and the community has decided that Dad and I were pretty good after all.

"For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow His steps"I Peter 2.21

Now, I am the first and only Southern Baptist ordained and licensed woman in the state of Oklahoma. I am the Assistant Pastor of Westlawn Baptist Church where we employ the same principles and the W.W.J.D. radio/Internet program is on KTLV1220.com Friday 7-8pm and Sunday 4:30-5:30pm both CST.




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