
BLOG for WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ASSOCIATION (W.W.J.D.) which is a registered nonprofit charitable organization. W.W.J.D.'S PURPOSE STATEMENT: "Individuals and/or churches and/or other organizations cooperating together to do what Jesus would do." THIS BLOG WAS CREATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SPREADING AROUND THE WORLD THE IDEA OF: "DOING WHAT JESUS WOULD DO." The name "Dandy" is the combination of the Director's names: "DAN AND SANDY, PUT US TOGETHER AND WE ARE 'DANDY'!"

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Why Wait? Part I

(Program #5 was repeat of #2)
DATE: January 22, 2006
DAY: Sunday
TIME: 12:00 noon -1:00 p.m.
Why Wait?

Before we get right into todays topic. I would like to especially thank many of you for your prayer support, because it means so much to me. Many of you know that last week we played a re—run from December 31st, because I was sick and unable to be on the air live.

But, I want to tell you that God Almighty always uses everything He allows in our lives. He never wastes anything. He is very frugule. And for this week's program theme, I needed two weeks to prepare for it. And I will share what our theme is today with you in just a few moments. But first, I would like to take this time here right at the start to answer a question.

The question that is most frequently posed to me about this radio program is "What are you doing on radio Sandy Lynn?" Then some add: "Are you preaching?"

So, I thought I would just take a moment or two at the start of our program today to say what it is that I am doing on the radio.

I thought it would be good just to start off today by telling you what is –as I see it-- that is going on here. The Scripture says:

(they refers to the believers in Messiah Yeshua
–those who are saved by faith in Jesus)
over came him
(the "him" refers to Satan)

They over came him
by the blood of The Lamb,
by the word of their testimony,
and by loving not their lives
even unto the death.

What I want you to understand is how my life is related to this verse. I have a drive to share my life's story with as many people as possible, in hopes that in some way something within my testimony about the consistency of God's goodness in my life, I can reach out and help someone else to trust –either for the first time, or to trust Him more!

I was saved at age 11 in First Baptist Okemah. I was called to be a Medical Missionary at age 12 in the home of a Missionary Doctor on furlow from Africa.

But what you have to understand is that I had just spent ten years of my life telling God what I was and what I was not willing to do for Him. From age 14 to age 24 praying every night:

"Oh LORD, I'll do anything You want me to do!
But don't ask me to be a Missionary
or to marry a Minister,
because I won't do that!"

Still, I did do a lot of work for the LORD. I was set "on fire" for HIM at Falls Creek Church camp at age 16. And that fire to bring as many souls as possible to know the God in a personal way, has never burned out.

My Papa used to say: "It's like she's campaining or something."

Mama used to say: "She went down to that church camp and they brain washed her or something. She's never been the same girl since."

You see I knew I was called to do God's work, but I wanted to do it:

and on

Rather than

So, I decided that I would become a general practice doctor in my hometown –that way I could stay at home and minister to others and have money and prestigue, but most importantly I wouldn't have to leave my home town, or my huge extended family –except to go to school. So, I set about to do just that.

That is, until November 15, 1979. That is when the LORD stopped me and turned my heart to His will for my life. I was 24 years old and so ashamed that I had ran from His call on my life for 10 years that I begged the LORD to take my life and use it anyway He could. I prayed frevently that He would use me –and to the utmost that my life could count for Him!

And of course, that is exactly what He wanted me to surrender to do. HE knew it, and really, deep down inside, I knew all along. He made me to know it. I knew it at age 12. But, then at 14 I decided that I knew better what I wanted my life to be. And I began to try to do my own plan for my life, and not His! So, after ten years of fighting His plan for my life, I surrendered and I wrote this song:


As I look around,
At the world today,
There is just one thing
I have to say
"Use me LORD
anyway You can!"

As I walk through life
with my fellow man
there's one thing I'll do

O-oh take my life LORD--
use it anyway You can!

O use me!
Do Your work
through me!
Let me be for You
anything you want me to be!

O use me!
Choose me!
Here is my life
It's in the palm of Your hand:

Do with it what You can.

As I look around
At the world today
There is just one thing
I have to say
"Use me LORD
anyway You can!"

O use me!
Do Your work
through me!
Let me be for You
anything you want me to be!

O use me!
Choose me!
Here is my life
It's in the palm of Your hand

Do with it what You can.

As I look around
At the world today
There is just one thing
I have to say
"Use me LORD!
Choose me LORD!
Here's my life LORD!

Use it anyway
anyway You can!"
So, that explains what I am doing on the radio today.

He trained me,
He gifted me, and
He called me.

And I have to tell you that on my life's journey from age 24 (up unto the present time) He and I have shared many many things that were absoultely very wonderful and exciting experiences.

But, there has also been those things that have occurred in life that I was not so happy to go through.

So, I have shared all of this as an introduction to say that the one part of my life that has disturbed me more than anything else in my life, is the theme of our program today:

Why Wait?

What I am talking about is “waiting on God” to do something that you cannot do anything about –something moral and good that you have prayed and asked Him for.

Have you ever been in the place where you feel like your “waiter” is worn out?

When I say “your 'waiter' is worn out,” I am describing those times when you have hoped and prayed until you don't know if you have any more hope left in you! When your body and emotions cry out:
“I CAN'T WAIT!” and yet, deep in your spirit you have this knowing that you have got to wait –you MUST wait, --you are CALLED to wait!
And yet, in your flesh, you don't want the road that you are on:

You want what you want and you want it NOW!
You want it WHEN you want it.
You want it HOW you want it.
And you wanted it YESTERDAY –or even YEARS AGO!

Have you ever been there? I have. I assure you I have.

Well, if your 'waiter' is worn out, you are in the right place today, because that is just what the theme of this program is about:

Why Wait?

Proverbs 13:12a says:

Hope defered
makes the heart sick;

I have to confess to you. Do you know how many times I have quoted that very verse of Scripture back to the Almighty? Well, I can tell you that I don't even know how many times I have said it to Him in complaint. And what's more, when I didn't say it out loud or write it down in my prayer journal, I assure you that I was thinking about it. Waiting on God's timing with my own family situation has been the biggest struggle of my life!

Of course, I am not the only one that had to wait. Think of Abraham –one hundred years old when he and Sarah finally had that promised son!

And the part of Jospeh's story that really torn me up for years and years was the fact that when a way out of prison was provided –it didn't happen for two more years! Now, I don't know about you, but that part of Jospeh's story always bothered me. Really, it hurt me to just read about that. I use to question God about it:

"Why did you do that to Joseph?
God he had already been through so much.
Then what?
You give him hope of a way out of jail
and then You just left him in there
two more years!"

And I used to say:
Two more years might not seem like much to You LORD
but I can tell You
to someone in jail or prison
to a mother apart from her children
it can seem an eternity!

You see, it was my own hurt and pain in dealing with the matter that was bothering me, and I was just transferring you hurt into Joseph's situation.

Having said all of that. Let's consider it:


Why must we be held back by God
from what we want.
Expecially, if it is good and moral
and a rightful and reasonable
request we are asking?

Why not go ahead and get:
WHAT You want,
HOW you want it,
WHEN you want it?

Hope defered
makes the heart sick;

But a longing fulfilled

God uses King Solomon to in this proverb to say:
is a tree of life!

So, if you choose to wait, then what you are waitng for must be by far better than what you would get if you decided not to wait. And the evidence that you believe this, is the fact that you have decided to wait.


Because there is an Almighty Being that is not only Creator, but Sustainer of the entire universe.

He made us!

Now some try to teach that we made ourselves:
Yes sir-y, all those little atoms just lined up exactly
in perfect order
–without a capton even mind you--
and they just jumped --or fell-- into order
and presto! --a baby was born,

Oh, out of slime, of course.

Well, I've got a Biology degree from one of the top ten universities in the Southwest – and I can tell you that it is much more of a wild stretch to dream up that senario than it is to say: that there is One Creative Being Who put all the stars into place!

And that same One made you and me.

Just as an aside here, I would like to explain why
some people find it so very important to explain away the need of a Creator in the understanding our existence:

You see, IF there is a Creator, THEN, we are responsible to Him.
Those who try to dream up some other
explaination for our existence are doing
so for that EXACT reason:

NO CREATOR means -- NO responsibility to a Creator

IF, there is NO CREATOR
That gives each person a free liscense to do as you please.

Let us make man
in our image,
according to our likeness;
and let them rule over
the fish of the sea
and over
the birds of the sky
and over
the cattle
and over
every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

And God created man in His own image,
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
--Genesis 1:26-27 NASB


O LORD, our Lord
How excellent is Thy name in all the earth.
Who has set Thy glory above the heavens

Out of the mouth of babes and suckings
Thou has ordained strength.
Because of Thine enemies
that Thou mightest still the enemies
and the avenger.

When I consider They Heavens
the work of Thy fingers
the moon and the stars
which Thou hast ordained;

What is man?
That Thou art mindful of him?
And the son of man
that Thou visitist him?

For Thou has made him a little lower than the angles
And hast crowned him with glory and honor.

That Thou madest him to have dominion
over the works of Thy hands.

Thou hast put all things under his feet:

All sheep and oxen
yea and the beasts of the field
the fowl of the air
and the fish of the sea.

O LORD, our Lord
How excellent is Thy name in all the earth!

--Psalm 8 KJV

SONG: The Majesty And Glory of Your Name

When I look
Into the night sky,
And see the works of
Your fi-ng-ers.
The moon and stars
Suspended in space!
O what is man
That You art mindful of him?

You've created him!
And crowned with glory and honor.

You've created him
A lit-tle low-er than the angles.

You've created him the king of all creation:

The beasts the field,
The birds of the air!
The fish,
of the sea!
is man?

O what
is man
that You art
mind-ful of him?

O LORD my God
The majesty and glory of Your name!
Transends the earth
and fills the Heavens!

O LORD my God
Little children praise You perfectly,
And so would we!
And so would we!!

The majesty and glory of Your name!

The majesty and glory of Your name!!


Some, unforturnately, don't want to be answerable. In fact, even the thought of being answerable to any standard is destestale.


Well, think of it. Nobody wants to be in trouble with some one or some standard of right and wrong
–not if they want to continue to do wrong, anyway.

You see, IF we are created by an Almighty being, then HE has Creative rights! His purpose for our lives, then IS our purpose for being created. He, as our Creator, deals with us accordingly –as His creation-- if we stray and do not do His purpose, for which He created us for.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men,
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

Because that which is known about God
is evident to them.
For even though they knew God,
they did not honor Him as God,
or give thanks;
but they became futile in their speculations;
and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools.
--Romans 1:18-19, 21-22 NASB

Our Creator, as Creator holds the seat of authority over our thoughts, our words and our deeds.

Niether is there any creature
that is not manifest in His sight
but all things are naked and open
unto the eyes of Him
with Whom we have to do.
--Hebrews 4:13 KJV

No creature has any cover from the sight of God;
everything lies naked and exposed
before the eyes of Him
with Whom we have to do.
--The Letter To Jewish Christians
(Messianic Believers
or Hebrews)
4:13 Phillips Translation

John 1:1-3NASB

Colossians 1:17 NASB
And He is before all things,
and in Him all things hold together.

B. Why did Almighty God, Who can create and sustain anything?
Why did He decide to create and sustatin you and I?

I am serious! Did you ever think that one over?
Did you ever just want to ask your Creator:

“Why did You make me anyway?”

Do you KNOW --WHY--
He made you?
He created you
Yes you!
Most especially you... to love!

WHY should I WAIT on God and His plans for my life?
Why not just go ahead on anyway with my own plans the way I want to live my life?

Since He created us to love, we are all the objects of His love! And He is jealous for our affections. Almighty God acutally wants your attention. Why do you think He made all of those beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Why do you think He made all of the different flowers?

You know, He could have created us to see the world in black and white. He could have made us with all rods instead of rods and cones in our eyes, and then we would see only black and white. You may think that is a far fetched idea, but you need to consider that some people are born with color-blindness and green and red look the same to them.

And, for another example, just think of all the wonderful varieties of food, with all of their tastes and smells and textures we can enjoy!

Don't you understand that He could have created us to eat grass everyday like cows? But we are created to have great variety and choices in the foods we eat.

For since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse.
--Romans 1:20 NASB

that is not only Creator, and Sustainer of the entire universe, but He is also acutely interested in each of our individual lives.

Does Je-sus care when my heart is pained
Too deep-ly for mith or song;
As the bur-dens press,
And the cares dis-tress,
And the way grows wear-y and long?

He Cares
I KNOW He Cares!
His heart is touched with my grief.
When the days grow weary,
The long nights dreary,
I know
My Savior Cares!

Does Je-sus care when my way is dark
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the day-light fades
Into deep night shades,
Does He care e-nough to be near?

He Cares
I KNOW He Cares!
His heart is touched with my grief.
When the days grow weary,
The long nights dreary,
I know
My Savior Cares!

Does Je-sus care when I've tried and failed
To resist some temp-ta-tion strong;
When for MY deep grief
There is no re-lief,
Tho' my tears flow all the night long?

He Cares
I KNOW He Cares!
His heart is touched with my grief.
When the days grow weary,
The long nights dreary,
I know
My Savior Cares!

Does Je-sus care when I've said “good-by”
To the dear-est on earth to me,
And my sad heart aches
Till it near-ly breaks,
It is aught to Him? Does He care?

He Cares
I KNOW He Cares!
His heart is touched with my grief.
When the days grow weary,
The long nights dreary,
I know
My Savior Cares!

Well, my dear ones, let me tell you –because I have been there, and I know-- it is “aught to Him.” My hurts matter to God! Don't you know that it touches God's heart of hearts when we are hurting and sad. Scripture says HE is the broken-hearted.

1. Do you know why He is close to us?

He wants us to acknowlegde and recognize that He is the One Who made us, that He is the One Who sustains us. God wants us to understand and know that every good thing comes from Him!

He made us
He sustains us –or keeps us up-- He wants a relationship with us. He does!




He created us to have relationship with HIM,
a relationship of love!

He says:
Draw Near to Me
I will draw near to you!

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer
Blessed LORD
To the Cross where Thou hast died.
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer
Blessed LORD!
To Thy precious bleeding side!

I don't know why Jesus loved me?
I don't know why He cares?
I don't why He sacrificed His life?
O But I'm glad
I'm glad He did!

I don't know why Yeshua loves me?
I don't know why He cares?
I don't why He sacrificed His life?
O But I'm glad
I'm glad He did!

So glad He did!
I'm glad He did.

Aren't you?
Aren't you glad He loves us. I'm so glad He didn't just make us to kick us aside and ignore us in our struggles –aren't you?

You see, it is precisely Because He made us to love,

John 3:16 KJV

Because He made us to love, we can also know that He cares about our hurts. He even cares about our hopes and dreams for our lives.
We are discussing the Theme:

Another reason why people often decide it is better to wait, is because if we go with our own plans, we acheive what we can do, but, if we follow God's good way, we get what He can do in and through our lives!

why wait


Can you imagine that! WOW! GOD is all powerful!
The Bible says:

The weakness of God
Is stronger than man's strength!
--First Corinthians 1:25b (NIV)

As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the LORD is flawless,
He is a shield
for all who take refuge in Him.

Who is God besides the LORD?
And Who is the Rock except our God?
--Psalm 18:30-31 NIV

So, not only do we have a Creator that loves us and sustains us, but He is all powerful. In Spainish it's called:
(I like the sound of that)

More Love
More Power
More of You
In my life!

Give me

More Love
More Power
More of You
In my life!

I will worship You
With all of my heart!

I will worship You
With all of my mind!

I will worship You
With all of my strength!

For You are my LORD,
You Are my LORD!

More Love
More Power
More of You
In my life!

Give me

More Love
More Power
More of You
In my life!

I will worship You
With all of my heart!

I will worship You
With all of my mind!

I will worship You
With all of my strength!

For You are my LORD,
You Are my LORD!
SONG: Great Is the Lord Almighty

The Lord
He is
The mighty God!
The Lord

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is Lord, He's God indeed.

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is God su-preme!

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is Lord, He's God indeed.

Great is the Lord!
Great is the Lord!

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is Lord, He's God indeed.

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is God su-preme!

Great is the Lord Almighty
He is Lord, He's God indeed.

Great is the Lord!
Great is the Lord!
We are discussing the Theme:

God is not constrained,
Not by time or by space or by anything or anyone else!



AUTHOR: Sandy Lynn Patton
RIGHTS RESTRICTION: May be reprinted and distributed for non-profit use only with credit given and used as a whole


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